Can a student use a stress ball during nc eogs

As end-of-year (EOG) exam season approaches in North Carolina, students may be feeling increasingly anxious and stressed about their upcoming exams. With the pressure to perform well and the importance of standardized testing, it’s no wonder students may be looking for ways to relieve stress and stay focused during this challenging time. One popular method of relieving stress that has gained traction in recent years is the use of stress balls. But can students really use stress balls during NC EOG? In this blog post, we will explore the potential benefits of using stress balls during testing and whether students are allowed to take the NC EOG.


First, let’s take a look at what a stress ball is and how it works. A stress ball is a small, malleable object designed to be squeezed and manipulated by hand. They are often used as a stress relief tool because the repetitive motion of squeezing the ball can help release tension and reduce feelings of anxiety. Many people find that using a stress ball helps them stay calm and focused during high-stress situations, such as during exams or important presentations.

Now, let’s consider the potential benefits of using a stress ball during testing. Sitting still and paying attention for long periods of time can be a challenge for many students, especially if they are anxious or stressed. Using a stress ball can provide a physical outlet for nervous energy, allowing students to channel anxious feelings into simple, repetitive movements. In turn, this can help students stay calm and focused during exams, potentially improving their grades.

In addition to stress relief, using a stress ball during testing may also have cognitive benefits. Some studies show that engaging in simple, repetitive activities, such as squeezing a stress ball, can help improve concentration and mental acuity. By keeping their hands busy with stress balls, students can better maintain focus and avoid distractions during exams.

Despite these potential benefits, the question remains: Can students use stress balls during NC EOG? The answer to this question is not entirely simple. The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI), which oversees the administration of EOG, does not specifically address the use of stress balls in its testing policy. However, NCDPI does have guidance on the use of accommodations for students with disabilities, which may be relevant here.


Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, students with disabilities have the right to appropriate accommodations to meet their learning and testing needs. This may include using certain tools or aids (such as stress balls) to help students manage anxiety and stay focused during the test. If a student has a documented disability that affects their ability to concentrate or manage stress, they may be eligible for use of a stress ball or similar tool as part of a testing accommodation.

It is important to note that any request for testing accommodations, including the use of a stress ball, must be made in advance and consistent with NCDPI guidelines. Students and their parents or guardians should work closely with their school’s administrative and guidance counselors to determine which accommodations are appropriate and how to apply.

For students without a documented disability, the use of stress balls during the NC EOG may be subject to the discretion of the test proctor and administrator. While NCDPI does not have a specific policy prohibiting the use of stress balls, individual schools and testing sites may have their own rules and regulations regarding test materials and aids. It is important for students and their families to check with their school administration to find out what is and is not allowed during the EOG.

In conclusion, using a stress ball can be a useful tool for controlling anxiety and maintaining focus during high-stakes tests such as NC EOG. Students with documented disabilities may be permitted to use stress balls as part of their testing facilities. However, for students without a documented disability, whether stress balls are allowed may depend on the specific policies of their school or testing location. It is important for students and their families to understand the testing arrangements available to them and to communicate with school administration to ensure they receive the support they need during their EOG.

Ultimately, the goal of testing accommodations, including the use of stress balls, is to level the playing field for all students and give them a chance to demonstrate their true abilities. By giving students the tools and support they need to manage stress and stay focused during testing, we can help ensure they have the best chance of success. So, can students use stress balls during NC EOG? The answer may be more complex than a simple yes or no, but with the right support and understanding, students can find ways to manage stress and perform at their best in EOG.

Post time: Jan-13-2024